Tuesday, 31 October 2017


Loralee Chittenden, is a long standing resident of South Taranaki. Well known to many, through her family, and her contribution to some local schools including St Josephs, Patea.

Mokoia has been home to four generations of Chittendens. Loralees Grandfather worked their farm, and this is where her Father, Keith Chittenden was born, lived, then subsequently worked, alongside his full time job at the Patea Freezing Works when it was operating.

A hard worker, goal driven, with a touch of stubborness ensured he kept the family farm when his parents were no longer able to, due to age and health.

Loralees mother worked as a Nurse at the Patea Freezing works. Marilyn Chittenden continues to work as a Nurse Practitioner at Ngati Ruanui.
Keith and Marilyn raised two sons and a daughter who were each drawn to teaching as their profession. All three siblings married fellow teachers.
Despite their fathers' dislike of teachers in general, ironically, he had to endure not only his own flesh and blood choosing this path, but also his in-laws who married into the family.

Loralee studied psychology at Massey University in Palmerston North, in her first year. The following two years she studied and received a diploma in Health Science. This led to her practicing Massage Therapy. 

She met her husband Mark Parsons (currently teaching at Patea Area School), who at the time was training to be a teacher.  Mark has worked at Hawera Intermediate, Kakaramea School, and was principal at Whenuakura, before returning to Patea Area School.

They married in 2003, and Loralee worked at  The Cafe (now known as Someday) for a year then Peta M for 3 yrs while training for her teaching degree in 2004 .

She secured her first teaching role at Kaponga School, and within her first year there, discovered both her and Mark were expecting their first baby. 

Loralee remained active mentally and physically, whilst raising her 4 young children. Any parent knows how challenging it can be, juggling work with family.  Her roles as release teacher, and acting principal at some local schools, speaks volumes of her efficiency.

When asked "What is the one major difference you have noticed, with schools that are functioning well, to those, that are not", Loralee replied "Support of the community, including parents. Recognizing the support needed for ALL of the children, not just their own"  (Not competing - Complementing)

"This spoke to me, personally"  Any community will gain strength if everyone recognizes that EACH individual matters. This 'community', whether it be business, volunteers, schools - even politicians. Do we dare to dream?

On the 19th August 2017, the doors to "Hello You" were open.  

Complications arose with securing a suitable venue for their new store. Loralees' heart was set on a red brick, historic church in Mokoia.  Due to conditions unable to be met, in order to earthquake proof the building, they decided on a shop that had ample parking, and few interruptions with roadworks etc. 'Hello You' is positioned perfectly next door to popular Someday Cafe.

Keith and Marilyn Chittenden fully supported Loralee's business venture, with Keith even offering to assist by meeting reps with Loralee. Unsure of intention (private joke between Father and daughter) Loralee kindly declined his offer. There was a common theme of humour and gentle teasing between himself and his children/grandchildren.

It is a bittersweet memory. I know, if Loralee could, she would, have him assisting her in her store, humoring himself and all who met him, everyday. 

Unbeknown to many, outside of family, their greatly loved Father, Grandfather, Husband Keith Chittenden had been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in 2008. He was given 6 months to live. He defied the odds. After chemotherapy, he forced himself to work 7 days on his farm. Milking, working with his horses. In his mind, giving in to his 'unwellness' meant giving up.
It is nothing short of miraculous, that this incredible man, beat the odds for 9 years.

He lives on - as cliche as this sounds, his legacy truly lives on. His determined, humorous, stubborn,intelligent, focused, independent, argumentative offspring (and grandchildren) are sowing similar seeds of love, family values, tenacity and courage.

Keith sadly passed away on the 2nd August 2017.

Loralee, you are your Fathers daughter.

Rocked by the this massive loss, Loralee is forging through. With incredible focus, determination and tenacity, 'Hello You' opened, as promised, as expected.

An interesting point to make here is, Loralee never had a dream to own a shop of her own. With an impressive education, and interesting careers previous, 'Hello You' is somewhat of a surprise.

To better understand, Loralee explained that all of her career choices focused on making a difference to people and being able to measure that difference.

Daily, in her shop, she gets to witness first hand, how a beautiful garment can lift a womans' thoughts and feelings of self.  It is a wonderful transformation.  On the flip side, never has Loralee been exposed to womens' feeling of body 'shame' and negative self image, until now. It's been a sad surprise, but she knows that she is making a positive difference, with women on a daily basis.

 A rainbow of colour, with the promise of feeling gold.

Loralees' personal love for all of the brands she carries in Hello You, is where this all began.  An avid follower and purchaser of Augustine, due to how the designs looked and felt when she wore them. Designed by a mother, who understands our body shape changes, post babies.

When you enter Hello You, you are greeted by open space, florals, stripes, vibrant colour, floaty garments, with femininity yet practicality in mind.
You will not find any of these garments elsewhere in South Taranaki. Customers have travelled from  New Plymouth  and Wanganui, purely to purchase the Augustine and Charlo brand. Surprisingly some had never visited Hawera before.

Trollied Dolly (Vintage, retro 50's-70s inspired, and is an exclusive UK brand to Hello You). Other brands you may wish to peruse here, are Hey Monday (Shoe Collection), Seeking Lola (NZ brand), Home Lee and PQ Collections (casual and fancy track pants), Cooper Street (Raceday wear and weddings), Minx handbags, Cloud 9 Creative (hand crafted jewelry made by a Mum from home), Over The Ditch (jewelry - Mum at home industry).

A strong advocate for 'shopping locally'. Loralee understands the more the retail sector have to offer, in Hawera, the less likely residents have the need to venture off to the city.

Make sure you pop in to visit Loralee Tuesday - Friday 10am-4pm, and Saturdays 10am - 1pm. Her window is changed every week, so you can walk by anytime to keep up with her new stock. Follow her on facebook also. There is a monthly late night, so keep in touch. Hello You Facebook Page

I was greatly encouraged as I scrawled the notes in front of this 'very organized, and accomplished teacher' - Scruffy handwriting (illegible in my case) is a sign of intelligence, says the teacher!. Thanks Loralee!

I wish you every success in your venture.  You deserve it!

"I'm not here to compete, but instead, complement the other businesses."  - A great attitude, Ms Chittenden.  

Monday, 16 October 2017

Villain By Day - Superhero By Night

This lady, needs no introduction.

Many will know her from sight, not actually KNOW her.

 You may see her coming, or hear her - Black Sabbath playing loudly in her car, the bass almost bouncing her off the road, or bright pink hair as she does her 'rounds'.

Not semi-automatic rounds, but by the sounds of it, some days a taser could come in handy. Our Karen happens to be a ticket master. No, she isn't offering anyone a good show, (unless you push really hard) - she's offering you an opportunity to take responsibility for your own error. Our Karen is a Parking Control Officer.

Being super good at her job, doesn't allow her to make many friends during the day.  Oh well. She has her chickens.

Karen Mackle openly admits she love animals more than people. It is understandable how Karen has come to this conclusion. The majority of her interactions with people, on any given day, tend to be on the negative side.

 Next time you see Karen out and about, smile and say hi. Tell her she is doing a great job. If you'd really like to show your appreciation, her favorite treats are gluten free biscuits - any will do.

This is where we introduce you to her new family members.

Karen has homed 12 refugee chickens who were rescued from a battery farm, due to authorities closing them down for cruelty.  With surprise, yet delight, Karen is watching them settle in quickly to their new life of freedom.

It is conviction and compassion that propels Karen forward despite the dire situations that many young children here in the South Taranaki, are facing everyday. 

Karen and husband Paul, moved to Hawera from Wellington 15 yrs ago. Almost immediately, Karen began working for SPCA on a voluntary basis. The following year, she joined the STDC as a parking officer.  Around this time, she also became involved in Victim Support where her training specialized in sexual and domestic violence, suicide and homocide. This woman has seen it all, and continues to stand for those who cannot, themselves.

This is not for the fainthearted! This tough graduate of the school of hard knocks, has managed to harness her superpower into helping those suffering at the hands of perpetrators.

Noone wants to talk about it. Noone wants to acknowledge the reality. Sadly - it is a reality.

Picture, if you will a child, a child waiting outside an interview room whilst her older brother is being questioned about obscene events that unfolded that evening. Frozen in blind fear, unfamiliar surroundings, and the only tangible thing she has is a school bag packed with crumpled clothes, due to the urgency of departure, from the only place she calls home. Alone, afraid, traumatized.

Local constables have seen first hand, how these comfort packs, that Karen lovingly assembles, light up the young children who receive them.  In that moment, they are special. They are worthy. They are shown, that they 'matter'. The blanket and the teddy represent comfort, and security.These items are handmade by Karen.

Some of Karens Patchwork Teddies

Naturally, there is so much work to be done in this area. Tedz4TheKidz is a beginning of building trust, and connection.  The psychological damage is tremendous. And again, this is a reality, for TOO many.

Thankfully there are organisations who are making a difference as we speak, including 4TheKidz programme.

Karens efforts have been supported by local Lions Club, Community Boards, Sinclair Electrical, Idea Services and SPCA Op Shop, and just recently Comfort Master.  There is no official funding available for this initiative, due to not meeting their criteria.

It is not uncommon for Karen to purchase the items, with her own money to make up the gift packs.

The care packs contain, a handcrafted teddy, a patchwork quilt, a colouring in book, crayons, pencils, and a torch.
The torches are purchased from Best for Less @ $2 each, Wool is required (for blankets knitted by a strong supporter, Dawn). All donations of the above will go directly toward these packs.
Please donate if you can

If anyone, reading this has the ability to donate any of the above items, it will be graciously received.  We can all contribute in our own small way, but knowingly making a difference to this very special project. 

Signing off with images of love, creativity and transformation.

 This lady certainly has the ability to turn the obscene into objects of beauty. Here are some of her pieces of art.

Whether Karen is aware, mosiac, the actual art of having a vision of what can be, despite the chipped and broken pieces and what they represent. Like our lives, noone goes unscathed, some more broken than others. These images represent HOPE. We can become more beautiful through our life experience if we allow it. We can use that beauty by helping others.

Thank you Karen and Paul for allowing me into your home, and sharing a little of 'Who you are'

Karens grandson Lincoln showing his cool new book "10 Tall Tales from South Taranaki Parks

4thekidz - Facebook page

Tedz4thekidz - Facebook page

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